On this site, you can learn about faceting for free using our many free faceting videos and free faceting articles on things like how to evaluate faceting rough, how to facet Oregon Sunstone – even a detailed article on how to deal with schiller in Oregon Sunstone. You can follow interesting case studies following from rough evaluation to finished gemstone. For more ambitious students of the faceting art, we offer a membership area with extensive reports, videos, how-to, and classes you can take from home.

We produce and host the official Facetron Videos Page, and as well as the official Ultra Tec Faceting Machine videos page. We are the U.S. representative of the UKFCG – and host learning resources generously provided by that guild.
Follow us on Twitter and Ello and Deviantart and Minds.com – and browse our images on Pinterest and Instagram.
Faceting Academy founder, John Bailey was featured on the Travel Channel’s Cash and Treasures series. He also cut the largest flat-faceted flawless red Oregon Sunstone on record (at that time). Click here to see a time-lapse video of that process.
In our shop, you’ll find much of what any faceter needs, including membership to our private members area where site supporters have access to a deeper dive in the art. You can also browse our world-famous faceting polish, faceting rough, faceting laps, polishing laps, faceting machines, and more.
If you are serious about learning faceting – or taking your skills to the next level – consider attending one of our internationally-recognized training events!
Follow us on Instagram for the latest updates – including photos from the field, from shows, and from our live training events!
Follow us to check out our photo galleries on Pinterest, including shots from the mines, photos of gemstone art by members of the Academy of Faceting Artists, and from our live training events!
Please use the Contact page to leave us a note.
Those interested in such things will find our terms of use and privacy statement here.